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The Cst. Rick O’Brien Joint Forces Foundation

Empowering Futures. Building Bridges.


Our vision for the CST. RICK O’BRIENS JOINT FORCES MEMORIAL JAMBOREE is to create an exhilirating and inclusive ball hockey event that serves as a powerful catalyst for building bridges between youth and law enforcement.  We envision a dynamic environment where the power of teamwork, sportsmanship, and shared passion for sport transcent societal barriers; fostering mutual respect and understanding; providing a safe and fun place for open communication; all the while cultivating lasting connections that extend beyond the arena!


THE CST. RICK O’BRIEN JOINT FORCES FOUNDATION is dedicated to creating a lasting legacy of positive change, encouraging ongoing dialogue, and fostering a sense of shared responsibility for the well-being of our communities. Together, we believe in building a future where youth and law enforcement stand united, working collaboratively to create a society that celebrates diversity, inclusivity, and justice for all.